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I’ve gotten some great feedback reception from my clients and (to be honest) it’s just because I did my job. I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I don’t know about you but when I grew up that was the standard, not the exception. When did people start considering “doing your job” as going above and beyond. A recent client of mine said he was surprised that he got everything in the contract. Every other  web designer he went to either:

  • Took the deposit and ran
  • Charged a premium for a Weebly site???
  • Made a site that was incomplete

When did people start considering “doing your job” as going above and beyond.

So the number one way to go out of business is to simply not do what you said you would. However on the other hand, if you do exactly what you said you would do, you don’t know how far that would go.

I actually had a conversation with a potential client and they asked if I can do something specifically and that particular request I didn’t know how to do and told him straight out “Hey man, to be honest, I’ve never done that before and would be able to find out and learn but honestly I’m not proficient in that particular area”. This guy was so surprised about my honesty, and even though I didn’t win that project he told me to keep his number and contact him if I ever provide that service. He will also keep in contact if he or anyone else he knows needs our services.

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